
dramafanca2002 t1_j0557gl wrote

Somewhat, I randomly notice when I'm away from home sometimes (like Sedona AZ a few months ago) that it's not as intense. I can't find the site my doctor told me about but, it showed a power source about 300 yards from my home. So this is where it is most intense. Unfortunately there are a lot more power sources around than we notice, so my issues aren't limited to my neighborhood. Every state should have a site where you can see maps, I think you have to keep changing the power type though. I checked energy.ca.gov for CA.


dramafanca2002 t1_j01e2sx wrote

I doubt it's meth. I've had the same issue for 21 years. I also have Menieres, so that could be part of the problem. There is no peace and quiet, it's an annoying high pitched buzzing that others don't hear. My doctor looked into electromagnetic fields near my home as some people can have a sensitivity. We're trying to figure it out but, because there are so many possible causes, it's not quick or easy to resolve. Someone telling you the noise isn't real doesn't make it go away, no matter how much you want to "belive it's nothing"!