
dreadedgrin t1_je8l621 wrote

Where once great kingdoms stood there was left only ruin. Consumed by their greed and lust for power they had one and all been destroyed in the war. Gone were the nobility and the great houses. Gone were the castes. Whoever had survived of the great families were scattered to the winds and the ends of the earth. All men had been made equal- not a single name was greater than any other.


And it was in the shadow of the wastes that an idea took root within my mind. What if it were MY family, MY name that were cherished and revered? If I could say I had even an ounce of noble blood flowing through my veins, I could lay claim to the castle and become its steward. And if no one came to challenge me it would eventually become mine. There were few who could challange me, and possibly even fewer that cared.

And so, my kingdom began with a single lie. Or rather, a truth of my own creation. From that moment forward, I was of noble blood. I forsook my family and the name given to me by my father. I forsook my inheritance. And most of all, I forsook my heritage- the life of a peasant.


But a single castle does not a kingdom make. I had work ahead of me if I were to become a king. I needed land and servants. I needed an army of my own. Fortunately, my second lie would take care of that...


dreadedgrin t1_iuk2n5w wrote

“Right there. See that?” Dr Robins marked a wide circle around the x-ray image of Gene’s skull.

“Yeah, the big splotchy spot where my brain is”

“No. The spot where your brain should be”


“Fascinating. Absolutely incredible.” The doctor stood there for a moment, admiring the work of the radiographer. She didn’t seem to notice how the news had troubled Gene, and she didn’t think much of the following silence, which only made things worse.

“So…I’m dead then?”

“Well yes… erhm. No. I don’t know. I wouldn’t call you ALIVE per se.”

Gene wasn’t sure what to make of it. He could probably, eventually, accept the fact that he was dead. He was just worried about how he would break the news to his Mom. ‘She’d die of grief!’ He thought to himself. He wondered about who would plan the funerals if they were both dead.

“Anyway, come back Tuesday. I want to run more tests.”

Gene asked the Doctor about the tests and whether they would hurt, but she was so busy in her work that she didn’t answer him. She just kept on muttering words like ‘extraordinary’ and ‘stunning’ . Eventually Gene just saw himself out of the office.

Gene was afraid. He was afraid of the tests, and of the parasite, and of the tests again, and of what his family would think of him. Dead. The nerve of him to die so early. Couldn’t even wait his turn. Couldn’t even bother to get married first. Dead. Most of all of the things he was afraid of was Dr. Robin, and of the horrible horrible Tuesday of his next appointment.