
dreugeworst t1_it7lvwh wrote

We were having issues with using LoadSavedModel in combination with a SavedModelBundle. As the latter included a protobuf::map in the struct definition and protobuf symbols weren't exported, this caused us issues.

I just tried a minimal example and it worked. It has been 2 years since I came across this issue, so probably something has changed. Although I don't see the relevant symbols added to the version script, the .so file does export the symbols in question, perhaps I was compiling with -fvisibility=hidden on, or maybe this has been removed by the tf project.

Does your CMake support come from the tensorflow project? Bit disappointing to see there is still no tensorflow target. BTW, I think your example meant to use target_include_directories(foo PRIVATE ${TensorFlow_INCLUDE_DIRS})