
drfishdaddy t1_iuiruyv wrote

>As the manosphere loves to tout about women

>Heck society tells women to just enjoy the journey and she doesn't need an orgasm so he is doing way better than most women.

>quality sexual experience doesn’t mean orgasm is only/mostly directed at women.

You and I have a different understanding of the concept of generalizing/sweeping statement.


drfishdaddy t1_iuipfju wrote

If you think me saying sex is more than just orgasm achievement is a slight to women or a cop out for lack of results, you are mistaken.

You lobbied an accusation at OPs boyfriend by suggesting he be treated as you suggest to treat selfish lovers.

What I have done is as relevant as what anyone else has done, hence when you make a sweeping statement and some response with “I’ve never seen that”, it’s valid input to the frequency of the claim.

Seems like you need this! Good luck with life, hope this makes your day better!



drfishdaddy t1_iuimm8e wrote

Wow, even if we take what is being spewed by “the Mano sphere”, as with all stereotypes, you can’t put that on individuals.

You are basically saying, men are selfish lovers, so you should be too. Even if that was overwhelmingly true, it doesn’t mean it’s true about this individual. In fact, she specifically said he is giving in bed.

Additionally, reducing sex down to just the pursuit of orgasm for someone clearly just getting started is damaging. I’m all about increasing the quantity of orgasms and the quality of them, but the quality of the sexual experience isn’t only relegated to orgasm achievement.

For the record, I’ve never told a woman “enjoy the journey, you don’t need to come”, nor am I aware of any individual I know communicating that to a partner.