
drillgorg t1_je1swbx wrote

I'm considering starting a novel of my own, but I've never written much before. I've always known about traditional publishing, and in the last couple decades it seems like print on demand and ebooks have really allowed self publishing to flourish. However recently I've also become aware of serial fiction online, and it seems like a really interesting option. What advice would you give to a brand new author in 2023 with regards to where to start with publishing?


drillgorg t1_ja0qrdu wrote

Oof. I married into a part Italian family. Whenever we eat with them there is about 3x as much food as the people at the dinner could reasonably eat. When we host parties for friends my wife is deeply uncomfortable with "only" 1 pizza per 2 people because "what if most people want to eat more than half a pizza each?" On the other hand when I went to my cousin's wedding (in rural New England in the US) they served enough food for everyone to have one plate but not enough for seconds. My wife was scandalized that seconds weren't an option.


drillgorg t1_j28gwsc wrote

Yeah I'm an engineer and I came to terms with the fact that most of the science in this movie is hand wavey. That's ok! It's not a movie about technology, it's a movie about mystery.

The napkin of course doesn't even try to make sense, they never even explain what the central idea of Alpha is. The fact that hydrogen gas would leak out of residential natural gas lines is a known problem, but it's an easily solvable problem for a spacecraft or a power plant. In fact a breakthrough in hydrogen tech would be world changing if you just plan for it the right way. Like was said above, the case opens and closes based on when the plot needs it to. The robot dog carrying the luggage was a gag but how did it load and unload the luggage? The fire extinguishing system conveniently came on only once it was too late for the plot.

And again, I don't mind any of this. It's a good movie which isn't about technology, it doesn't need the tech to make sense.


drillgorg t1_j0l5c1w wrote

Ah yes, because if my needs were met I would just turn into a human potato. Come on! Who gives a shit if AI can do everything better than me? I already live in that world, other humans can already do everything better than me. Doesn't stop me from finding cool shit to do. What about socializing? Imagine having all year to go hiking with your friends! If your friend Greg writes a song are you gonna be like " fuck off Greg, AI writes better songs than you"? No, you're gonna listen to it with him. And it may or may not be good. Exactly like today!