
drkr731 t1_ixitkzs wrote

That is very doable with a roommate. I make more now, but when I first moved to Cambridge it was for my entry level job making about 65k with bonus and paying about 1100-1200 in rent with roommates, and it felt comfortable and manageable.

It's most recommended to spend under 30% of take home pay on rent, though realistically many pay more with the cost of living, so I'd say try to stay at around 1300 if possible. You can probably afford a bit more, but I'd advise against getting the nicest place you can and sacrificing your ability to comfortably save.

As some other people have mentioned, you usually need a good chunk of money to get an apartment - first months rent, security deposit, brokers fee etc. You can often avoid a lot of these fees by joining an existing lease with someone looking for a roommate, which is something work considering. There will be lots of new grads/ people in their early-mid 20s looking for roommates in the facebook housing groups