
droolingdonkey t1_j8wfulk wrote

You cant use that measurement to compare individual countries if you measure it against GDP at all. You have to measure median salery and pensions and capital of the avarage citizen.

Edit. GDP per capita is just GDP divided by citizens and is not equal to the example of putting the money into the citizen to use as in the example.


droolingdonkey t1_j8wc6ve wrote

yes because if we make it to extremes, say 99% of GDP is in one mans pocket. The population has 1% to use between them. Rent will be in pennies and people would develop a trade system between each other and international currency seen as gold worth, lets say venezuela. If you than use this measurement and divide GDP equal over the population and give each say 100 dollars one would think they are well off by saying hey look 100 dollars equal 600 years of rent etc.

I dont know enough to compare individual countries but i know enough to understand that it is a flawed measurement. It would be better to measure the median salery and see how far you get by or pension for elders etc.

Edit. I know enough of russias system, pensions and median income and how the wealth is centered around oligarchy and moscow + st petersburg. A third of the population has no access to indoor plumbing or toilets.


droolingdonkey t1_j8i59nt wrote

It is a shitty measurement made to make russia and china seem better of then they are. Lets say 99% of the population eats potatoes and little money get you by but the problem very few has any money at all... then if 99% of the GDP is in corrupted oligarchs sitting in moscow then the measurement is off. Because the population wont buy potatoes and other goods for the 99% because they will never have much of the GDP.


droolingdonkey t1_j8i4wkz wrote

The problem is that you cant measure it as "how long would 100 dollars get me" if 95% of the gdp is in the oligarchs in lets say russia and the avarage babuscha is living on 180 dollars per months.

To look at the avarage purchase power of the avarage citizen you have to use median income and then china and russia would be very far behind. place 20-40 somewhere.


droolingdonkey t1_j8i4hor wrote

Russia has is at place 11 not nr 5 so this graph is either false or has some kind of weird measurement.



The measurement is even worse then i first thought. They use PPP against GDP... as if the poor babuscha living outside moscow on her 170 dollar pension. It doesnt matter if she can get by on little money because she or the avarage russian would never lay hand on any large part of the GDP.