
drunkmonkey176 t1_jclqphq wrote

LMFAO! It's hilarious to hear Y'All Qaeda trash whining when they realize the actual majority of people in this country aren't going to put up with them forcing their dark age fairy tale values on others. The fact they are willing to use violence and murder people to do so makes them terrorist and they will be treated as such.


drunkmonkey176 t1_jcbwxme wrote

If I thought for one millisecond Y'all Qaeda trash were capable of evidence based logical decision making, I would point them to the newly legalized child labor laws in Arkansas, child marriage laws that were blocked in TN and WV, clergy being exempt from child abuse reporting requirements in UT, and any number of the relentless mass shootings that occur in this country. But since I know dark age fairy tales mean more to them than evidence and reality, I won't waste my time.


drunkmonkey176 t1_jcapxx0 wrote

The biggest danger a child faces in Y'All Qaedastan is being murdered at school by a christian with a gun, forced to work 12 hour shifts in a factory, or being forced to marry their 50 year old rapist when they get pregnant. Please tell me again in what reality republicans give a flying fuck about kids.


drunkmonkey176 t1_j9fghkq wrote

But it's ok when domestic terrorist trash use their dark age fairy tales to justify teaching their daughters to be obedient stay at home baby factories and not worry about their rapist being worshiped as a hero while taking their rights away.

Trash can only be trash. Take it out.


drunkmonkey176 OP t1_j8iasuy wrote

This is needed, but I guarantee the first year will be a disaster when everyone tries to buy them on the same day. The state's been operating the Fine Wines website for years and just try and buy online only whiskey when they send out an email that an allotment has been released. The second the email goes out the website is completely unresponsive for 10 minutes and when it finally comes back up, all the inventory is gone. This has been happening for years and the state doesn't give a damn. Imagine what will happen with tens of thousands of hunters try to get their license at the same time.