
dtyler86 t1_j5s5yja wrote

The situation is definitely pretty fucked up, and I understand how he could be seen as manipulative, but you guys did invite other people into the bedroom by your initial choosing. It seems unfair that he got to enjoy threesomes and then turn it all around on you, but you guys sound like you should have either broken it off years ago or you’re both really in love fighting for the relationship. The last thing I would accuse him of is being abusive or being “the devil“.


dtyler86 t1_iy2k9ne wrote

I love this and really needed to hear it. But it also has a contrary quote letting people should hear: “do something today that your future self will thank you for”

Today I uncovered a hard drive full of half written songs from college and photos of me and my friends having the time of our lives. I’m 36 now. College me he’s not really to blame but every version of me for the past 14 years and never finished the songs, but never gotten shape like I had wanted to just a few years out of college. 14 years is a lot of time to not accomplish something that would have made me so happy and I’m sad about that.