
duckfat01 t1_jd23ktz wrote


duckfat01 t1_jczfwpc wrote

As a huge fan of the movie of Remains of the Day, I didn't want to read this book, but wanted to read more by this author. I chose "When we were orphans." I have been struggling through it, and thank you for giving me a reason to ditch it.


duckfat01 t1_j6mzo3p wrote

I think we forget that classics become classics because people enjoy reading them! They aren't just academic tomes chosen by professors to uplift and frustrate scholars. For example, I love Dickens's sense of humour and his skill with words. (Charles, not Emily, with a nod to William Styron).


duckfat01 t1_iqsj0d1 wrote

The smallest size that can be resolved by an optical system is given by the size of the Airy disc. This is aa property of the system, and is one measure of the quality of the system. Mirror systems will have smaller Airy discs than lens systems because they have no chromatic aberration, and large diameter optics generally have smaller Airy discs than small optics, for example.