
dude707LoL t1_j97vn75 wrote

Ok Kevin. The response you give is very typical of people with kids. Everyone should just make a concession for your children's sake.

I talk in the hallway while I walk with inside voice. In fact I make sure to almost whisper. And when I have people over, I wait to talk to them in the apartment. I keep it to a minimum because I understand how annoying it is for people who live in an apartment where your neighbors cannot stop yapping. I don't see the need to yap with whoever I'm with while in the hallway.

I think it's a waste of time talking to people like you. We will not agree on this subject. As I said in a previous message, just keep it down and do that right thing. You're not the center of attention here and people shouldn't have to live with your child related stress/issue/drama/joy.


dude707LoL t1_j97qpcl wrote

When I lived in Japan, the parents really make sure their kids don't make loud noises in public space. I really enjoy that.

People who just say kids will be kids are just lazy and making excuses. There are ways to do it correctly while not just shutting your kid up. There are time and place where they should learn to respect silence and not just be excited as they please.

However I do think this concept of teaching your kids to be quiet at times will be thought of as making them submissive or something. It's more about understanding how to coexist with others.


dude707LoL t1_j97oua5 wrote

Ok Karen. You sound very touched by my comment. I suppose i know where you stand in this matter.

They are frustrated because someone complain about them. Before going off saying the other person is weird, they should really reflect on the way their family is impacting on others who share space.

I do talk in the hallway but with absolute inside voice. I definitely will not be having a 10-15 stop and chat in the hallway and let my kids play there. it's a bit intrusive to other people who share that hallway who would like to enjoy quietness instead.

Especially during covid lockdown this was a huge issue. I can hear everything people say in the hallway back when i used to live in an apartment block. I know what they had for lunch, how long they stayed at their in laws house on Sunday, when their kids are having a performance at school. I really think people should be more mindful of other people's peace and quiet in indoor spaces that are shared by many. From my experience, moms/women love doing the stop and chat most and the small talk is endless. And I'm also a woman btw, just not a fan of small talks especially in the hallway.


dude707LoL t1_j97nb0x wrote

Lol yes angels to you only. They are not angels to me or anyone who's not the parents of your kids. I don't care how blessed you feel. That's for you to decide. All I really care about is that I don't bother others with my noise and drama and I expect the same courtesy from them.

You sound like a very clueless parent who lack discipline and respect for others who may or may not have kids but deserve to enjoy the same space just as you do.

It's exactly people like you who see their little "angels" as perfect and uncontrollable because they are gods gift. How could such perfect little angels be a pain in someone else's ass. There's such a thing as discipline and children should be taught to behave with manners and discipline from a young age. They can learn to be quiet at the right time and place without losing too much fun time.


dude707LoL t1_j95cnvn wrote

OP you sound like those parents who let their kids get noisy saying they are just kids being kids... Sure they are kids and it's your job as parents to teach them to behave with manners and respect to people who share any common space with you.

Instead of immediately jumping to the other tenant being erratic. You should pay attention to the noise you are creating. For example, do you do the hi and stop and chat loudly in the hallway like moms do? Do your kids makes noise/running around but you brush it off as "aw cute"? Your kid is not the center of attention and other people shouldn't live with their noise.

Take note of your family's behaviors and see how it affects others. Do the right thing.