
dumbest_smartass t1_j7y7u8b wrote

:( I miss the pain meds that work best for me. Mmj made life manageable. Especially parenthood as a single parent, it made my chronic pain almost nonexistent with the presence of my child. (Never consumed in the same vicinity or while child was awake or able to smell or see it, before the mombies and other undesirables try piping in.)


dumbest_smartass t1_j6kls5n wrote

False. Species aren't races. Your entire statment is incoherent.

Humans aren't more intelligent than animals, on the contrary animals will survive when humans die. But humans will die if all the other animals do. And so you know. The universe isn't going to end just because your anxious ass thinks so. They tried saying 2012 was gonna be the end, of a calendar with literally no end. People killed their families because of fucking media mockery of a story about the invasion of an alien race murdering everyone they came accross when we only had radios to communicate. People are far more stupid than animals.

People try to numb the instincts that have made us evolve to what we are today.

You know, animals don't like people their people don't like?

Do know animals are only scared of you when you are scared of them?

If you think an animal is stupid, it's because you are stupid.

If you think they know less than we do because you do not speak their language, thats you being stupid.

See. They understand your words, your tone, your scent, you sweat, they can smell your fear. You, you wouldnt know the difference between the scent of a scared rattler or a content gecko, and thats why you think only humans "know" anything.

They understand you from their cages. They understand you. And your intent. They know a cat killer from a cat lover. And you don't understand that they understand just as much if not more than you. Which is why it is YOU who doesn't understand what end is near for who or what or where. And you never will. Because you think like you do.

I am stupid. But I know that animals of prey are often very stupid in the middle of a hunt. The same could be said about people who think animals are clueless.


dumbest_smartass t1_j6klc4l wrote

False. Species aren't races. Your entire statment is incoherent.

Humans aren't more intelligent than animals, on the contrary animals will survive when humans die. But humans will die if all the other animals do. And so you know. The universe isn't going to end just because yoir anxious ass thinks so. They tried saying 2012 was gonna be the end. People killed their families because of fucking media mockery of a story about the invasion of an alien race murdering everyone they came accross. People are far more stupid than animals.

People try to numb the instincts that have made us evolve to what we are today.

You know, animals don't like people their people don't like?