
dumpitdog t1_j9opp03 wrote

I agree but someone has to pay Caesar. The Chinese government or whatever government cannot function without public cash flow. This cash flow comes from taxes duties on produced and purchase products. We will literally be going back to the caves we don't figure out some way to fund or infrastructure or military and our government.


dumpitdog t1_j9onvn2 wrote

Russia/Soviets invented a lot of amazing technology which they could not capitalize on either. I have no respect for their ability to commercialize their tech as they seem to be incapable of producing commercial grade software and other. Didn't they just close their AI research facility in Edmonton?


dumpitdog t1_j9ma1l2 wrote

I would love to see them track your actual basis price so I don't have to figure it out. The government sends me my basis price I'm okay with that. What I'm sick of is the fact that I pay so much taxes and I know a bunch of tax evading assholes that don't. I had to form a corporation just to keep from getting eaten alive by taxes because nobody else pays them.


dumpitdog t1_j6ph4c4 wrote

As the Gerald Ford rolled off late last year I came to a conclusion that a single hypersonic missile that costs maybe $300MM could wipe it out in hours. Even with all the limitations and physical restrictions of hypersonic weapons there are workarounds. Navy is pretty 2 dimensional and slow: I imagine the navel defense idea might be gone by 2075 but hey we all might be gone by then.


dumpitdog t1_j3rgifw wrote

I went to college, got great degrees in engineering and science, made bundles of money, traveled all over the world. But I knew nothing of money, business and getting wealthy so it was not a true success story. Now 30 later, I wish I would have picked up a 1-2 year business degree, went into programming and partnered in a business. If you need money now and we are desperate for staff in so many areas you might hold off on college and get the immediate problem off your back.