
dweeb_plus_plus t1_jbfjydk wrote

OP it's great that you have a passion project but if I can offer some feedback.

  • What are you trying to convey here? It's not clear. Acreage of a field that in most of the cases (based on your footnote) is arbitrary and tells me nothing.
  • A quick verification of some of your wacky field shapes, and the photos in your post history, reveal that perhaps you've been too literal with your HR boundaries.
  • Google Maps is an aggregator of several sources of imagery and isn't a reliable source for this type of work. I suggest using the RIGIS satellite imagery which is higher resolution and consistent.

dweeb_plus_plus t1_j7r6aaw wrote

I'm prepared for the downvotes but Tilly's was bad. Dry-ass bready and expensive cheese steaks. If your restaurant is called "Tilly's Cheese Steaks" and that's your sole concentration then it should be the most phenomenal mind blowing sandwich ever. It's a simple thing to make.