
dwinps t1_jecab69 wrote

They were making money before, they will make less money going forward and potentially even lose money. Loan rates are already much higher, even for good customers. Their customer base really isn't subprime and I don't think regulators would be pleased if they started taking on more risky loans heading into a potential recession


dwinps t1_jeaxxxq wrote

Who knows if FRB is going to make it, not me, but asserting that they need to be able to loan at 5% over what they are paying depositors is nonsensical

As for hearing about them liquidating, no they definitely don't give me a call and tell me if they do.


dwinps t1_jea3685 wrote

Two entirely different things dude and banks have LONG keep deposits that pay less than people could get elsewhere. Not a new phenomenon.

They don't "owe five percent on the $70B in deposits that are gone", you don't owe money to people who pulled their deposits so no idea what you really mean

Banks have to be profitable, check.
Banks make a profit by charging more in interest on loans than they pay to borrow the money as well as fees and other charges, check.
That difference doesn't need to be 5%.


dwinps t1_je9tgd2 wrote

Weird analysis that thinks because the bank is paying 5% to borrow from the Fed that there needs to be a 5% diff between the prime rate and what they are paying to borrow from depositors.

Literally no connection between the two.


dwinps t1_iv78h2x wrote

>level of service being provided the Ukrainian Government
> cost $2500 mont

It doesn't cost SpaceX $2500/mo

SpaceX is not providing hardware for free (like your F35's from Lockheed analogy). More akin to Lockheed saying they can use some software package Lockheed usually charges $1000/mo for at no charge, with that software package use creating some relatively small additional costs to Lockheed in terms of bandwidth.