
eanardone t1_jdy13ht wrote

Severina in West View! It's a new Italian cafe that makes incredible coffee and pastries.

Just be sure youncall.ahead of time, because like an authentic Italian cafe they can sometimes have changed hours and there js never a set menu. Sometimes they have it sometimes they don't.


eanardone t1_j20705b wrote

I agree, they could be great tools. But I just understand the basics in operation. How do these end up getting set up? How are they funded?

If you have any resources that I might be able to talk to I would appreciate it. This is something I have been thinking about for a long time, but haven't been able to actually move forward.


eanardone t1_j205cbg wrote

Really interesting article. Growing up north of the city I have been thinking about so many of these same issues in Aliquippa, Ambridge, Beaver Falls, and the list goes on.

I lived in Aliquippa for a few years and while I was there I kept thinking about how the blight was going to be solved. It is so small there is no tax base to speak of, especially with the average annual income below $36k a year. No industry now, except the prison.

Would any kind of Land bank or Community Land Trust work? Or will those people just need to wait for it to get so bad that its all bought up, demolished, and replaced by new housing for the growing Central Valley school district that will inevitably end up consolidating the schools as soon as it is economically beneficial?