
earthwormjim91 t1_j9nfgap wrote

Weird. I’ve never had an issue with being notified about AirPods that aren’t mine. And I have buddies in my car with their AirPods all the time.

I do get the “AirPods left behind” notification though when I leave them at home even though I have it set up as an exempted place.


earthwormjim91 t1_j9m23ip wrote

I’m not following. Does your son have an AirTag on him that isn’t his? If it’s his and tied to his Apple ID it shouldn’t notify you at all as long as he’s in the vicinity.

If it’s not his then that’s like the exact thing Apple says you cannot use them for.


earthwormjim91 t1_j7l43vj wrote

Well, nowadays our main source of aluminum is recycled aluminum. Mining new bauxite and extracting the aluminum is more expensive than just recycling.

Which is how it ultimately will be for a lot of the rare earth metals and stuff for batteries. It will eventually be cheaper and easier to just recycle the batteries than it will be to mine new lithium, cobalt, etc.


earthwormjim91 t1_j5ubuxp wrote

The linked studies in that section don't directly support what the article states.

The study in captive black bears controlled for things like access to food and water. Researchers completely removed access to food and water to trigger hibernation and the end of hibernation in the bears to monitor them.

The study on wild brown bears found that they were very susceptible to disturbance and would move dens during the winter if disturbed, so not in a total hibernation. It also directly calls out the black bear study as having hibernation artificially started and ended and not representative of the wild.

>In a previous study, the HR in captive black bears was reported to decline gradually over five weeks from the date that food and water were removed [45]. Our finding that changes in Tb began long before changes in HR suggests that studies on captive bears with an artificially defined end of the food/water season might not represent the actual sequence of events in the wild.

They concluded that hibernation is driven by environmental factors rather than the physiological factors that the black bear study concluded, and that periods of warming can drive them out of their dens or delay hibernation.

They also highlighted the need for differentiating between small mammal hibernation and bear hibernation because of these.


earthwormjim91 t1_j5u6v5q wrote

They go wherever they can. A lot of time that is digging a den under tree roots or something.

Another key fact is that bears don't actually truly hibernate. They go into what is called "torpor". It's a similar state with lowered metabolism, heart rate, breathing, etc. Except, they aren't fully sleeping that whole time. They do frequently get up, move around, forage for food, drink water, etc.