
ebietoo t1_j28ypyk wrote

. It is untrue, what you say about Rian Johnson and endings. Think about Brick, think about Looper. Those are not “nothing” endings. Hell, think about Knives Out— actually, I guess you are; and are expecting twists right up until the end in this movie too. But he made it explicit from the title on down through the course of the movie, that the apparently complicated puzzle was in fact obvious and in plain sight the whole time.


ebietoo t1_it8ejov wrote

The problem with adapting Gibson to movies or tv is that much of the cool factor resides in his prose. I think so far, this show is managing to show the coolness in visuals. I love that The Shards actually giant statues rather than simply big weird buildings. I hope the show goes into the genderqueer aspects of Flynn in Burton’s peripheral, and I’m excited to see Lowbeer in action. I don’t feel bad about missing Daedra West’s naked base-jumping from trash island, though I wonder how the story will resolve without her and king of the primitives—guess they’ll pick another villain. Jonathan and Lisa, don’t stray too far from the source material, ok? That’s usually a recipe for disaster.