
eigiarce t1_jdhqk1m wrote

Ha. I realize that in the past they were the poster child of shitty cancellation policies (and super shitty behavior at the start of covid) , but for what its worth I just canceled my membership and it was as straightforward as could be. Didn't even have to provide 30 days notice or whatever BS is standard with gyms to keep you on the hook for one additional month.


eigiarce OP t1_j9vezli wrote

Also: https://www.universalhub.com/2023/lack-dispatchers-no-longer-only-reason-t-cant-run

Choice quotes:

>“We are transitioning to the point where increasing Red, Orange and Blue [Line] service is not solely dependent now on our heavy rail dispatchers, but also our vehicle availability and staffing of operators and front-line management,” Benesh said.She did not provide more details on the vehicle and front-line operator pressure points, nor lay out a timeline for when the conditions will support restoring service.Members of the T board did not ask Benesh or Gonneville about the apparent shift in what will be needed to reverse service cuts. Instead, they heaped praise on MBTA staff for the presentation about operations control center hiring and policy changes.“It’s awesome to look at this. From where we were a year ago, it’s incredible,” said board member Bob Butler.


>For the next couple of months, the speed data will be published in a PDF form, and the T will transition to an interactive dashboard by early April, [interim GM] Gonneville said.“That interactive dashboard is going to be impressive. From what I understand and what I’m being told by the team, we may actually be one of the leaders of transit systems, at least large transit systems in the United States, once this dashboard is done and completed,” he said.

How any member of that board can view the current state of the system as anything more than an utter disgrace is.... well, an utter disgrace. A requirement for being a MBTA board member should be that you use the system on a frequent basis (i.e. and not just a token T ride every few months). Then maybe they'll understand how ridiculous statements like these sound when commute times has doubled over the past year (at least for the RL).


eigiarce t1_it5kdd4 wrote

Plenty of great spots for food & drink in Quincy Center. Start with a the beer garden at Kilroy Square tomorrow evening and go from there.

Or walk to the Wollaston T (assuming that's where you are), hop on the RL and be downtown in 20 mins.

Trust me, you can get a lot more suburban than Quincy!