
el_leon_vago t1_iyda2tz wrote

Sometimes the app says my delivery person is on a bike and they pull up in a car. Is it just easier, as a deliverista, to list a bicycle rather than register your car? Or are they trying to get more tips since they're on a bike?

I've often had food delivered by someone else different than what the app shows. Is this an app glitch or are people gaming the system somehow?

Do any of these apps provide "onboarding" that explains rules/laws of the roads, best practices, etc?


el_leon_vago t1_iurpvio wrote

Foolishly dropped my wallet at 626 on Saturday as well (same place/owners) and they also charged $25 at the the bar and tried to run it thtough cashapp and Walmart for $700.

I had instantly blocked all my cards when I noticed my wallet was not in my pocket.

Edit: they as in "someone" or "a person" not directly accusing an employee


el_leon_vago t1_iu14nu7 wrote

The delivery e-bikes and e-mopeds are dismantling a lot of the good work local bike orgs have accomplished over the years.

Im curious to know if any of these gig apps have some kind of onboarding process to at least make these delivery people aware of laws. We need to start holding the delivery apps accountable too.

I understand that these are workers that are moving as fast as they can to get their deliveries done, which we all utilize, but they need to be taught the rules and possibly assessed.

These gig apps don't care that their delivery people are breaking laws, hurting themselves, and others...they just see dispensable labor.