
elcd t1_ixoemhl wrote

Thanks for backing me up mate.

It seems the "I'm autistic so I can be inappropriate without consequence" narrative is much easier to follow that taking responsibility and not being a shitty person.

It's not easy, it wasn't for me, but it's doable. Empathy is learnable, social skills are skills that can be honed (even if sometimes it's camoflaging) and being a good person is possible even when you're abilities are impeded.

I see people romanticising mental illness and pandering to everyone who's a little bit different now; looks like taking responsbility for your shit is just in the too hard basket for people these days.


elcd t1_ixo47ma wrote

You did, because it seems your reading comprehension is off sunshine.

I never called anyone a shitty human being. I never called anyone personally a scumbag. I said autism is not an excuse for being a scumbag.

In fact, the only person who called someone anything derogatory in our discourse is you with your little adhominem attack on me.

The original post was deleted before I responded to you.


elcd t1_ixo27s5 wrote

Hooo boy, I hope the irony and hypocrisy of... well all of this is not lost on you.

You seem to have missed my point in an attempt to play the victim, which is in line with the post I replied to, which tried to deflect responsibility. I'm NOT OP, I didn't berate anyone in to submission, I didn't call anyone a shitty human being.

I stated, in no uncertain terms, that being autistic is not a valid excuse for refusal to work with and around your own challenges. Expecting carte blanche accomodation for your shortcomings is not acceptable in the world at large.