
eldenrim t1_jb06qmo wrote

Which is essentially what I'm saying, but that by trying and failing to correct your sleep, you'll know it's a deeper issue and can look at that.

But now, people with atypical sleep and immune issues that ignore one (or both) might be stirred into some reflection and subsequent action. The knowledge helps even if it's correlation, is all I mean.


eldenrim t1_jat8iro wrote

Yeah but it's still good to know because if you're ill more than others and your sleep isn't average then you can either:

> Sleeping too much is unhealthy

Reduce sleep. Or

> Unhealthy people sleep too much

Investigate the underlying issue and then fix it, reducing sleep.

Which lays out a straightforward solution, if you investigate first then you'll cover both, so do that.

It's pretty actionable even if it's correlation.


eldenrim t1_jat7pdq wrote

The causes of sleeping problems also cause issues with your immune system and focusing on fixing your sleeping problem will help even if it's correlation due to a shared cause.


eldenrim t1_j6fcy06 wrote

Just in case you didn't know, sleep disordered breathing can cause insomnia and depression, and unless you've had a test for both sleep apnea and UARS, you can't rule it out.

Me and my partner both have UARS. We pass sleep apnea tests. I oversleep and my partner has incredibly bad insomnia.

Worth looking into!


eldenrim t1_j4kmltf wrote

I'm curious how you feel about the following:

There are humans that can't do the task you outlined. Why use it as a metric for AGI? Put in other words, what about a "less intelligent" AGI, that crawls before it walks? An AGI equivalent to a human with lower IQ, or some similar measurement that correlates with not being capable of the same things as those in your example?

Second, if an A.I can do 80% of what a human can, and a human can do 10% of what an A.I can, would you still claim the system isn't an AGI? As in, if humans can do X, A.I can do X * 100 things, but there's a venn diagram with some things unique to humans and many things unique to A.I, does it not count because you can point to human examples of tasks it cannot complete?

Finally, considering a human system has to account for things irrelevant to an AGI (body homeostasis with heart rate and such, immune system, etc) and an AGI can build on code before it, what do you see as the barrier to AGI? Is it not a matter of time?


eldenrim t1_j4d7kfr wrote

I've got UARS and my sense of smell disappeared as I left my teen years.

Poor smell is also linked to sleep-breathing disorders, which tend to get worse over time. The damage you accumulate from SBD cause most of the worst issues you can have - stroke, heart failure, dementia, diabetes, and many more.

I wonder why the study concluded that frailty is determined by your nose, rather than both having a shared root cause elsewhere.


eldenrim t1_j4baige wrote

This makes sense - depression and anxiety are extremely common in any sleep disorder, and disrupting your circadian rhythm seasonally wouldn't be an exception.

There's a subreddit for delayed sleep phase disorder, and people there treat it with multi-hour exposure to specific light immediately on waking and blocking light before sleeping and they seem to share the idea you've presented and see benefit upon alleviating it.


eldenrim t1_j02597k wrote

Many cases of ADHD accompany sleep-breathing disorders, like apnea or UARS.

If not those, there's delayed circadian rhythms, insomnia, and just plain struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle in regards to sleep.

We know poorer sleep leads to Alzheimer's. Drugs involving neurotransmitters like dopamine seem to play a role as well.

Then you've just got poorer general health. ADHD people are more likely to struggle with nutrition. They're more likely to abuse substances, alongside an increased risk of regular alcohol, nicotine, and excess caffeine use.

This study definitely didn't isolate a high quantity of people with ADHD that also had none of the above.

I'm not saying there is no link outside of these other things. But this is kind of to be expected. But it would be stranger if there wasn't, really


eldenrim t1_iu9r8gc wrote

Just to clarify, I was confirming my current understanding which is that doing exercise is essentially always better than a sedentary lifestyle, whereas losing 20% of calories is only relevant to people who are consuming more than they need or who are an unhealthy weight. Which like you said, is the majority of the US (and other countries too).

Although your response does imply that is the case, it's still important to differentiate near-universal advice from majority-applicable advice if someone is unsure.


eldenrim t1_iu7wj9i wrote

The calorie one isn't as generic though, right? I'm borderline underweight and sometimes move towards a comfortable middle between underweight and overweight so that'd just lead to issues I feel like.


eldenrim t1_isyyxjr wrote

I wouldn't know how many, but I'd assume you can fit quite a lot in a plane surely?

Yes, that battery would obviously be better, but it doesn't exist yet, hence the problem with relying on renewables. I'm asking why daisy chaining isn't a valid solution, not why it's not optimal compared to all other possible batteries.