
electric_ionland t1_je0lqe5 wrote

It's fine, but implying that you just found that article rather than wrote it is more than a bit disingenuous.

My personal take as an aerospace engineer is that I find it hard to believe that the benefit of better illumination outweigh the complexity and cost of a project like that.


electric_ionland t1_jdzlf51 wrote

In addition to creep path, difficulties with HV electronics and other issues raised here you also need to be careful of the difference between thin film dielectric strength, which is really high, and actual bulk material dielectric over lifetime. In practice you often have a couple of orders of magnitude difference there.


electric_ionland t1_jdvjtjv wrote

For anyone asking this is almost certainly in the same vein as the infamous "EM drive". They allegedly have a revolutionary propelantless propulsion system that has not been verified independently and where they cannot describe the physical principle behind it (not peer reviewed to boot).

Assuming it works it would break several fundamental physical principles like conservation of energy.

The company and its executives are also extremely sketchy with no real background in the field.


electric_ionland t1_jdume22 wrote

Hello u/ArtVandalay47, your submission "What is a mind blowing fact about space that can blow away even the simplest of minds?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • A submission about this topic has already been made

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


electric_ionland t1_j85pd41 wrote

Yes in that case we are talking about AI programs. The most well known at the moment is OpenAI Chat GPT. They produce very realistic sounding answers but those are often innacurate or straight up made up. Spotting them is not always easy but they often use the same writing style where they will restate the question in the first sentence. They use a lot of connecting adverbes like "however", "similarly", "therefore" or "overall". They will often use passive voice and very general sentences like "It is well established that...". The main thing is that after you see a few of them you can recognize the style.


electric_ionland t1_j5yv2cw wrote

Hello u/Sophia-78, your submission "Weather could foil an early morning SpaceX Falcon 9 launch set for Thursday" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Post a direct link, not a link in a text post.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


electric_ionland t1_j5xte0y wrote

Yes stopping on the surface of the moon is a pretty terrible idea. However you could envision missions where lunar ice is mined to create propellant and that fuel is sent to a convenient orbit that is more "on the way".


electric_ionland t1_j5v0opz wrote

The main issue is that you would need to match the ISS orbit.

A probe coming in from deep space will have a velocity of more than 11.5km/s. ISS orbits Earth at only around 7.5km/s. This means you need enough fuel to slow down by more than 4km/s (nearly 9000 mph!). This propellant would be way heavier than a heatshield. The few deep space missions that have brought things back have not bothered to slow down to orbital speed. They just slam into the atmosphere and let it do all the braking for free.

Heatshield are actually really convenient (if technically difficult to build) ways to slow down. Think of how big a rocket needs to lift something to orbit. If you did not have atmosphere to slow you down on you way back you would need nearly as big of a rocket to land.


electric_ionland t1_j54neer wrote

Yeah the guy in the video is a bit confused and doesn't apply the right equations. But the general point is that denser weights that are closer to your end are easier to balance so they feel lighter. But they do require the same amount of force to lift.


electric_ionland t1_j2y3f3w wrote

The groove is a V shape with 90 degree angle. Each side of the V encodes for a different channel. The result (depending on how they are configured) is that the up and down movement of the stylus give you the sum of both channels while the left to right movement give you the difference between them.


electric_ionland t1_j2884m8 wrote

> Again, my understanding is fairly limited and largely from popular press like a brief history of time and such. So any errors here are all me.

In that case please refrain from commenting, especially on very technical topic such as this one. A good rule of thumb is that if you can't provide peer reviewed sources if asked you probably do not have the required expertise to answer the question to the standards of r/askscience.