
elgrandorado t1_j212rr2 wrote

I would be mortified of damaging the balanced armatures from simply being out in the winter weather. I was daily driving my Monarchs until I realized how easily the drivers can break compared to DD IEMs. I went back to the Etys on commuting duty.


elgrandorado t1_ivgrbuc wrote

I find it really weird how many people spend too much time listening to the gear. I think what helped me when starting out, was always focusing on discovering new music. Only sad thing, is some really good albums are mastered like crap and hearing them on good hardware exposes them.

I'm also shocked at how some artists, like Kendrick Lamar, have exceptional sounding albums. Some smaller artists across the genre spectrum also do have well mastered records despite not being bankrolled by huge labels.


elgrandorado t1_ivgqe5p wrote

Headphones: Sennheiser Momentum 3, Koss KPH30i (broken)

IEMs: Thieaudio Monarch, Etymotic ER2XR, Moondrop Quarks

Currently using the Monarchs at home for listening, and I keep the ER2's as my trusty commuting/travel pair. The Monarchs have honestly quenched my thirst at this point considering I've had them for 10 months and haven't thought about even trying new IEMs. Detail retrieval to me is otherworldly, and the subbass prevalence is what I needed.

For the ER2's, the passive noise isolation is insane and having a single DD design means they'll endure being tossed around. They're great on planes, bus rides, trains, and are tiny. They have also been lifesavers, doubling as earplugs for concerts.

My Momentum 3s get the least use at this point, but once I end up working in an office again.... They'll get consistent use. They're fine and comfortable but just not convenient enough right now.