
elinordash t1_j8nt6rg wrote

While I understand the desire to draw a big conspiracy theory around Guiliani, but I think he actually started out as someone with a massive ego and the intention to do good. Going after the Cosa Nostra in the 80s took serious guts. He also went after Wall Street in a very public way that sent some people to jail. His term as Mayor of NYC was controversial and there is a lot to criticize, but he was still taking big swings trying to make change.

If he had stayed a prosecutor, he'd probably be a much more admirable person. But fame seems to have been his driving ambition since 9/11.


elinordash t1_j0pa6a2 wrote

Privilege in terms of name recognition, not in terms of money.

Grandpa was a famous actor, but he was not involved in dad's life. Dad was not involved in Drew's life. He stopped working and became a reclusive addict when she was a baby. Whatever inherited wealth there was, he spent on himself.

While her name gave her opportunities, Drew earned her own money.


elinordash t1_iyekk32 wrote

It clearly isn't just about money and trends. You can't watch films or TV shows that don't exist. Oscarssowhite was only six years ago and there have been successful diverse films made because of that Twitter campaign. I think the audience is open to more economically diverse stories, but they aren't the ones executives chose to produce.