
elvovirto t1_jab5spt wrote

These are 1965 model year cars. There's a 1965 2-door full-size Mercury in black front and center (right behind a Lincoln - which looks very similar because Ford specifically marketed the Monterey/Montclair/Park Lane as being in the "Continental Tradition).

1965 Mercurys are single-year cars. The body style changed in 66 thru the end of that generation in 68.

Source - Me, owner of a 65 Mercury.


elvovirto t1_jaamoil wrote

Reply to comment by LordXaero in Updated Game Room by LordXaero

DO use the Q from time to time. The disc tray is very lightly greased from the factory and will eventually start sticking shut (or failing to close) once it dries out.

I've had mine since they were released, purchased new from National Console Support.

Holy shit, they still exist lol. I don't think I'd bought anything from them for at least 20 years.


elvovirto t1_jaaldgf wrote

Lol GB player on the Q.

I can't do that unless I move the region select switch on mine - it's on the bottom.