
elyn6791 t1_j2olemz wrote

She has been public about it in the past multiple times but because she was seen as a sports feminist icon her views really began to overshadow her legacy and she basically learned to keep quiet about it for a long time now. There should be results if you just Google it going back around a decade or less.


elyn6791 t1_j2okq94 wrote

I too am not saddened by proud bigots getting bad news. That being said, I hope she recognizes the same science that is responsible for the medical treatments she is going to receive also validates gender identity and trans women.

Anyways. As a young tennis enthusiast she was inspirational to me and she had to go ruin that. Now i could care less about her.


elyn6791 t1_iu8obke wrote

I just watched it and I really gotta disagree. The only scene I was like wtf really? was when that guy literally just walks into getting stabbed. Other than that, solid horror flick with a ton of production value and a good message.

Tbh I totally forgot about it and was only interested when I found out Jaime Clayton was going to be involved and I expected it to be bad but she nails the role, the cenobites are all interesting in their own ways too. There's really not much to have an issue with imo.

What about it specifically bothered you?