
em6891 t1_j0yvkjp wrote

What are the polling locations today? I'm in the fourth district and for the life of me i can't figure out where to vote, there is nothing on the department of elections website and my usual polling place was not open this morning at around 745.


em6891 t1_iydawp1 wrote

What's more amazing about Dumbarton is that there aren't more accidents.

Literally every single day on the way to and from work, I've got someone flashing their lights behind me or honking at me because I'm only going 37 on Dumbarton.

On Monday, i was turning left off of Dumbarton onto Woodrow and i had a driver pass me on the left, so going into the opposite traffic, to avoid waiting behind me just about 30 seconds. Meanwhile I'm waiting to turn because there are cars going in the opposite direction, so I'm just waiting my turn when this driver goes around me almost causing multiple accidents.