
emleh t1_jdh70vz wrote

The truth is that kids have always hung out at the mall, often in large groups, and many times, causing issues. When I was growing up, everyone was concerned about the skaters at the mall and the lakefront, in particular. The bell tower was removed from the dock because people would climb up there, have sex and do drugs. Kids stole from the stores a lot and when the arcade was there, there were always huge groups outside smoking weed & fighting. I wouldn’t say this is a new problem; just a new demographic of kids doing it.


emleh t1_iyt1p3k wrote

One of the issues they found in their walkability study for the whole county was that they had to bus students to school, who were otherwise in walking distance. This is a huge burden due to lack of drivers. I think it’s a good thing in general but it has been an annoyance for OMR, particularly because few if any cross that street to get to school.


emleh t1_iyrrujz wrote

Also, newer developments aren’t Columbia. They are either out parcels or other parts of Howard County (think Clarksville & Elkridge). Columbia is just overpopulated at this point. Development has made that so. There isn’t enough infrastructure to support the population.

Appreciate your feedback, though.


emleh t1_iyrmngc wrote

What if I told you I worked at The Rouse Company during the sale to GGP? It was a huge controversy because Rouse fought for diversity and affordable housing. His family chose to sell to a developer for a pretty hefty price, and Rouse’s vision was abandoned. Additionally, the farms were sold by the landowners. That was their choice. This wasn’t some eminent domain kind of situation.

You mentioned the same level of kids, which I refuted, and now you are backing off on that point. I understand the demographics of Columbia because I’ve worked in population health and social services for a long time.


emleh t1_iyrgn5g wrote

I think most people who come to Columbia do so because of the schools and safety. I’ve lived in Columbia almost my whole life and the development has really ruined the vibe and culture of the community. Even with the bike lanes, so many people still bike in the streets outside of the lanes. I just wish Columbia would invest in meaningful things.


emleh t1_iyr85gy wrote

I really don’t understand the utility of this decision. Columbia has tons of pathways, which tend to get you places more quickly than the main roads. Further, most people are biking for pleasure, not to get places like work or the grocery store. A better use of funds would be to improve the bus system. It runs every hour and the mall is the transfer hub. It has been like this for at least 30 years with no improvement.