
emleh t1_iyoiw3d wrote

Gateway Extension School was on the grounds of the former Taylor Manor Hospital. Gateway shut down while it was still Taylor Manor. Taylor Manor was subsequently bought by Sheppard Pratt but they just built a new facility and vacated the Taylor Manor property.

Source: both of my brothers went to Gateway.


emleh t1_ivvjn82 wrote

I used to work for CA and it has always been fairly turbulent, especially after the sale of Rouse to GGP. Some of the board members have been in their role forever (Stack & Thomas for sure). I respect Stack very much because he is committed, bright and really understands the community. Thomas is the rep for where I live and I am very disappointed by her efforts to oust the current president. I really feel that we should have more input about where our assessment dollars go and it’s infuriating that they are being used for an attorney to champion this removal effort.