
enragedcactus t1_iw7ribv wrote

As an applicant and an employer you’re wasting your time if you don’t find out the other’s comp range early on in the application process. If you’re working with a recruiter that’s absolutely something they ask and will ensure that roles they bring you will pay what you’re asking.

By definition now if an applicant is applying for a role somewhere like Colorado the employer knows they will accept something in the range.

Also as an applicant you should be smart enough to know that it’s unlikely to enter anywhere higher than about 75% of the provided comp range. Companies need to be able to give you raises within the role’s wage band and you don’t want to be maxing out without the ability to get future raises immediately or soon after you’re hired.


enragedcactus t1_iw4wenv wrote

As a private individual not wanting to spend money you’re only going to have access to things like Glassdoor.

If you want to spend a boatload the services are called comp surveys and there are a “bunch of companies that do them” (quoting my wife here).

A small positive externality is that these new laws will put downward pressure on comp survey pricing.


enragedcactus t1_iw4va6h wrote

Who started the ripple effect? Was it the place that passed the law first and already cause tons of global and national companies to start posting salary ranges starting a year ago? Or the places that just copied it?

For example the S&P 500 company I work for operates in like 20 states and in a couple other countries. Because of the Colorado law we post ranges in all those places now. It wasn’t the NY law that caused that.


enragedcactus t1_iw4ujoj wrote

You’re changing what I was saying and you’re right about what you’re saying.

I said Colorado started the ripple effect, not NY. My proof is that NY and CA passed laws a year AFTER Colorado passed theirs and saw success. There is no doubt that NYC’s will have a larger effect.

Since an enormous amount of writers live in Brooklyn there tends to be a bias in media with regards to the amount of focus NY gets and the center of the country often gets ignored.


enragedcactus t1_iw2rv6v wrote

My wife runs an HR department. She’s never had an issue doing market analysis to figure out what comp should be for different roles. There are tools and applications out there that already helped with this stuff. We live in Colorado so yes, it’s become a bit easier this last year. Nonetheless employers already had no issue figuring out what roles were worth. Collusion happened pretty recently without this in places like Silicon Valley with tech talent.


enragedcactus t1_iw2r056 wrote

I don’t get this comment. If I apply to a new job the employer can theoretically look up my current salary band here in Colorado since we passed this law, actually a better written one, last year.

They won’t know my exact salary, but they’ll have an idea. Just like I wouldn’t know what my exact salary will be when applying to a new job, but I’ll have an idea.