
epraider t1_j3u77ub wrote

There are many liberals and average Americans who support streamlining and expanding the legal immigration process and providing pathways to citizenship, while also supporting enforcing immigration laws.

The problem is that many Republicans don’t want to fix the legal immigration system, they want to limit legal immigration even further and limit acceptance of asylum seekers even further, and support throwing money at symbolic shit like expanding border walls that will not stop illegal immigration.

Fix the problem at the root cause and fix the immigration process and expand processing of asylum seekers, treating a symptom will not solve the problem.

And if you want to invest in securing borders and limiting illegal border crossings, we should be investing in more drone and surveillance networks, intelligent detection systems, and rapid response units. You can’t build enough walls and fences that people won’t be able to go around, over, or under, particularly in remote areas with a lot of variable terrain.

While we’re at it, we should also be taking more measures like reducing sanctions on countries like Venezuela and invest more in aid programs and economic partnerships to help make these counties more viable to live in so so many people don’t feel a serious need to migrate to the US to protect their families and live comfortably.
