
erc_82 t1_j4vc4lc wrote

Those of us who have a compromised immune system or, family members who do. Even if that wasn't the case for our house, I am suffering long covid from having it once around a year ago. Occasionally i will just be out of breath for no reason as well. I am committed to preventing making that worse. I miss feeling like i have 100% of my brain and cannot imagine how it would effect me to catch it again.


erc_82 t1_ixi5t2m wrote

I grew up in a farming community, and cancer among parents at my very small high school was unusually common. I've brought this up to others who grew up in similar areas and found this to be the case for as well . I know this is super anecdotal, but felt it is worth mentioning. Rural, out in the mountains/woods probably isn't the same as rural farming areas due to pesticides and other factors