
esotweetic t1_jacmron wrote

If you don’t know how they work, I would strongly suggest staying away.

At any auction, you have the major players and bottom feeders looking for scraps. You are the retail customer that is trying to compete.

If you find something you like, you’re going to end up paying up for it because it likely is something that everyone else likes.

Also, keep in mind, if it’s at auction- someone didn’t want that car for some reason or another. You have to find out what the reason is before you buy it, or it will cost you a lot later.

I’d stick to trying to find a car you like through retail outlets. This isn’t Mac Bid, buying wholesale cars can be dangerous.


esotweetic t1_iy085eo wrote

This project has been discussed since 2014 and has turned into a massive dissapointment. It could have been our Cleveland West side market. I just don’t know how any developer doesn’t see how well loved that is and conjure up this bs. Especially when it’s so comparable and close to our city. It should have been the first slide mentioned on the planning powerpoint presentation.

This is all well discussed in this sub and clearly is hated by the community.

HOWEVER, the next point is:

McAffrey has quietly apparently been shopping the project. He doesn’t want to give negative press any room to flourish because it will only ruin resale value for a potential flip.

Now he feels he has to double down by insulating this bs with more bs in the form of “luxury” condos that are sold for $900,000 starting price or apartments that start at $1,500 for a studio.

From there he’ll likely flip the entire block to a hedgefund and be long gone for a solid ROI on investment.

The wheel never is broken and will continue to spin.

The Terminal should be a case study in business class that not all development is good.

P.S- are we not going to also talk about the fact they permitted Cochran to build a whole ass AUDI DEALERSHIP in the Strip?


esotweetic t1_itiaexl wrote

Or as a general idea, maybe DONT broadcast your sex life like 99% the rest of reddit does?

You’re openly sexualizing yourself with your user and biography on your profile.

No one is going to be “your friend” when you’re telegraphing these signals from the word go.

If you want to make some friends with other swingers, there is places for that.