
everygoodnamehasgone t1_j8h2h5q wrote

I'm not moving the goalposts at all, this is what I replied to;

>It’s news because it’s pro sports. Statistically, there should be at the very least 2-3 gay players on any team in any sport. But the number of openly gay pro athletes is nowhere near that, and in many sports you don’t hear of any gay athletes. So when one decides to be open about their sexuality, it’s a big deal and should be underlined and celebrated.

I am refuting that with facts and you started getting defensive for some bizarre reason. You're the one with the agenda.


everygoodnamehasgone t1_j8gyuys wrote

I'm saying the assumption that the demographics of gay people in sport has to be identical to the demographics of gay people in society and all the gay men are just hiding is erroneous and the fact the demographics of women's sport don't line up with society is proof. You seem to be taking this rather personally 🤣.


everygoodnamehasgone t1_j8gxebb wrote

That would be a reasonable explanation were there a similar proportion of gay women in sport as there are in the general population. This isn't the case though, there is a far higher percentage of gay women in sport than there are in society. The only way your theory would make any sense is if they were also less accepting of straight women.


everygoodnamehasgone t1_j8gst3d wrote

>So underrepresented?

No. 12 is greater than 11.6. Total all institutions together and they are overrepresented. The fact you jumped to the opposite conclusion is pretty racist.

>Regardless, you didn't actually address my argument at all. Being gay doesn't make you predisposed to liking or not liking sports any more than being straight does. That's why we look at external factors.

Then explain the massive overrepresentation of gay women in women's sport.


everygoodnamehasgone t1_j8ggncu wrote

I find it more likely gay men generally just aren't as interested in playing as much sport and therefore don't have the same representation at the top levels as they do in general society. Just as it's been proven that gay women are massively overrepresented in women's sport (especially soccer), this is usually attributed to sport generally being perceived as a masculine endeavour.

The statistical distribution of gay men in sport doesn't have to match with the general population, the reason there are not as many "out" men in sport isn't necessarily because they're all closeted, it's just as likely they don't exist.


everygoodnamehasgone t1_iu772oo wrote

They are more likely to have a run in with police because they statistically commit a disproportionate number of crimes. 13% of the population commit over 50% of the murders, what do you expect the police to do just let an arbitrary number get away with criminality because they're black? Should they police proportionally based on population demographics rather than policing criminals equally?