
everythingwastakn t1_jeetene wrote

Leasing, at least here in Canada, has some tax implications if you use it for business so all the sales guys where I used to work leased their cars to write part of it off. Plus the buy out can often be less than the used sale price so most of them would then buy it out and immediately privately sell it before leasing a new car.


everythingwastakn t1_jdqquyn wrote

This. People love to act like Lightning wasn’t head and toes above micro usb that was in all the Android phones. iPhone switched connectors ONCE in 16 fucking years and my parents still complain about how they had to buy new cables that one time after their iPhone 4 bought the farm. And that was close to a decade ago.

That said, they’re due for USB C transition and they’ve been moving there with all their other devices so it’s clearly happening (EU ruling helps, I’m sure)