eviltwintomboy t1_j9f88hc wrote
Reply to TIL with Scallops, only the abductor muscle is eaten by humans. The rest of the meat, which is edible, may contain a buildup of toxins, and is discarded at sea. by testhec10ck
I love scallops, but with the oceans becoming more and more polluted, I’ve slowly stopped eating them (and raw clams and oysters, my favorites!)
eviltwintomboy t1_j9f5e79 wrote
eviltwintomboy t1_ixijln4 wrote
Reply to comment by nachodaddy0107 in Microsoft's Windows Subsystem for Linux just hit a major milestone by CrankyBear
Me too. I think it’s that there are programs that only run on one or the other.
eviltwintomboy t1_ix0lyw6 wrote
Reply to Experts Grow New 3D-Printed Nose On Woman's Arm After She Lost Hers To Cancer by Several_Cabinet_9725
Having a nose there makes it easier to stick into other people’s business…
Submitted by eviltwintomboy t3_ypa6yi in technology
eviltwintomboy t1_itt9jqy wrote
Reply to A single chip has managed to transfer the entire internet's traffic in a single second by redhatGizmo
Hopefully Comcast reads this and realizes they’re a little slow /s
eviltwintomboy t1_irk21ra wrote
Reply to TIL French used 10h day instead of 24h between 1793 - 1805 during era called "decimalisation" by NightKnight_CZ
Was looking for something to use for my Worldbuilding science-fiction saga… thank you for this!!!!
eviltwintomboy t1_ja57yqb wrote
Reply to TIL: Because Nintendo could not get the rights to the Popeye cartoon character, they came up with Mario instead. by A_Bruised_Reed
Similar to Star Wars: George Lucas wanted to do Buck Rogers, but couldn’t get the rights to it.