
evolutionista t1_ja9x81w wrote

In vivo I think this will require consanguinity to produce someone who has homozygous ras mutations as these are fairly rare disorders with severe effects in heterozygotes. Also, they aren't concentrated in particular endogamous populations as far as I know.

In vivo we have to additionally ask if a fetus would be viable with homozygous ras pathogenic variants. Heterozygosity may reduce viability of fetuses with related genetic diseases.


evolutionista t1_j64av52 wrote

The average cost to reupholster a couch is like $1500 for fabric and professional labor. I think that's more than this Ikea piece retailed for in the first place. If it were an antique piece with a lot of value, sure, I agree more people should be willing to reupholster.


evolutionista t1_itqsvbn wrote

Reply to comment by ortsed in Rat hunting with dogs in DC? by webbmoncure

It's not actually. Cats don't typically like to hunt rats. They will sometimes, but they prefer smaller prey like songbirds, frogs, and so on. So they end up doing a lot of collateral damage to the actual nice ecosystem of animals we like having around (even if you aren't all that fussed about birds and frogs, they do eat mosquitos and such). And they don't make much of a dent in the actual rat problem. Putting in cats in to fight rats is kind of like fighting fire with fire... you're just adding another invasive critter to the ecosystem and making it even more rat-friendly by doing so...