
evscye OP t1_iu5dzaq wrote

I really like the understated look of these simple/cheap KZ cables but unfortunately they’re all QDC instead of your typical 2 pin. I like the single cord, not braided, the transparency, and the QDC housing itself, but cannot for the life of me seem to be able to find anything like this

Can someone with some more experience help me out? It would be very much appreciated


evscye t1_iu2wrpe wrote

The Blessing 2 are brighter imo, so the treble is a little spicier than the Katos which never bothered me ever, but the Blessing 2 can be a bit much for me personally but I seem sensitive to it

Other than that, the B2 is just flat out better technically in every way, but it’s hard to say by how much


evscye t1_it3if3e wrote

I would argue he wasn’t lucky, but that you were unlucky. The majority of Moondrop products do not fail, or they would be out of business. I’m not trying to discredit your experience, and I do like Moondrop, but I haven’t kept their products long enough to potentially have one go bad on me.

With all of that said, it sucks your Arias went bad, but I think you got unlucky, as many other people have.