
expanding_human OP t1_j8xlbow wrote

Agreed! While there are many factors, I think the biggest one is the way many educational systems stifle creativity. Nobody wants to sit still in a desk for 8 hours a day. The teachers don't.....let the kids move their bodies. That IS part of it. So when the get controlled to sit still and shut up.......that dulls them into this state.


expanding_human t1_j10kg52 wrote

Stress is directly related to the amount of resistance you have in your life. The resistance comes from an inability to have unconditional life acceptance. Particularly of the things outside of our control. Primarily outcome of effort, events, other people, and circumstances. Those are all outside of our control. When we lack acceptance for exactly how they unfold, we create resistance.

Resistance is like friction between two moving parts. The more friction there is, the hotter the parts become. If not cared for, that heat will cause damage. Our resistance is that friction. It is that stress and stress is a silent killer.

It is never our 'job' to control other people, circumstances, events, or outcomes. It is our 'job' to control how we respond and behave to the unfolding of life. Through unconditional life acceptance, we reduce stress and show up better.

Meditation and mindfulness are great ways to be aware of how we create that resistance in life. It is through that awareness that we can let go of the control that no longer serves us. We can cultivate greater life acceptance. In that space, we have ease in life.