
exsea t1_jeebvbo wrote

i guess mine was a 2 pronged overlap of my interests. there arent too many cyberpunk type games out there, most futuristic games available usually go full geek and far off into future scifi like anarchy online and eve online.

the other was i was invested with CDPR as a company. also it was supposedly story focused rather than action focused, with many RPG elements where you had different perks to choose from.

skyrims bugs sometimes are small enough that they dont detract from the game. and the mods certainly help out a huge deal. also skyrim is full of content. to compare, skyrim is a complete game but buggy, while cp2077 is incomplete, buggy and overpromised.

in cp2077, we have cops that literally appear in the game. theres no animation. they just spawn right in front of you if you so happen to look in that direction. we also have a perk that gives you a buff while within water.

which, in the entire game you're in the water for just ONE small particular area and only in that one time.

one bug that i had bricked an optional sidequest. i dont know when it bricked i dont know how it bricked, i do not know which save i should use to revert the brick. but even if i did i m pretty sure i would have lost tons of hours of progress.

i really wanted to love the game. i gave it a fair shot. it had the potential to be a game that i would love but everything compound on one another made me just have a bad taste in my mouth. anyway i would really like to thank you for just talking to me about it in a civil manner.


exsea t1_jee98ji wrote

yeah its good that you're not attached to them as i was. they really had a very good PR with gamers in general.i m against pre-orders but for CDPR they had so much good will with gamers that i would actually pre-order from them.

its really a shame on what happened.

fixing the game... its been 2-3 years... a friend of mine bought the game this year and his playthru was buggy..

also if you play the game, you get to see a montage of you and your companion. my first impression of the montage is not "whoa thats cool". instead i thought... hmm pretty sure this is cut content.

later onwards in the game you meet a guy that you WORKED FOR in the montage. but in that meeting it appears to be your first meeting with him. that confirmed to me that the content was cut.

its ironic. i m a person who's bloody invested with CP2077, which made me react negatively to them even more. the irony is that the people who still love cyberpunk are the ones who would shit on me for pointing out how badly CDPR fell.


exsea t1_jedyehs wrote

if you google it, theres a few results


this is one.heres the main quote thats a huge ass lie

“Speaking earlier this week on Wednesday (and transcribed by Seeking Alpha), Kaciński said that Cyberpunk 2077's performance on the base PS4 and Xbox One consoles is "surprisingly good, I would say, for such a huge world." The CEO went on to say that although the performance on these base consoles is lower than their "pro" counterparts (the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X), it's still surprisingly good.”

surprisingly good?

thats a god damn lie.

i know a lot of people here are CDPR lovers. ngl, i too loved CDPR. they were the golden child of the gaming world. we needed CDPR to succeed. i wanted CDPR to succeed. CDPR's success is a big fuck you to the likes of EA and Ubisoft. they were the chosen one.

when other game devs were making collectors edition boxes. CDPR's witcher physical copies were all technically collectors edition with tons of goodies but with a "standard box" price tag.

if EA fucked up. i wouldnt really care so much. i was fanboying CDPR hard. for them to be dishonest its was a harsh slap.

over promising is one thing. outright saying the game is fine and releasing it as it is from a company that should know better....


exsea t1_jedunce wrote

my counter argument is despite all the fixes they did. they never did come clean. they overpromised and downright lied to us gamers.

if the game is "just buggy", fine i m on board with what you say. yeah i will support a company that tries their best to make their game better when their launch was shitty.

a good example is godfall. not exactly buggy but their devs improved the game a huge lot. as far as i know, they did not lie.

lying and misleading. dishonesty. i can forgive bugs to an extent, i can even forgive cut content to an extent. but good will is hard to earn.

try and view it this way.

you have 2 contractors fixing up 2 rooms you own. one says everythings fine and the jobs complete. the second one sheepishly tells you they fucked up and need time fixing it.

upon inspection the first one is also fucked. both contractors agree to fix their rooms anyway.

which of the 2 is the shittier contractor? i might not be happy with both of them but i might rehire the honest one for a new contract. the first one? fuck that guy. and that guy is CDPR


exsea t1_j8beqle wrote

i disagree to this point of view.

a loved one is a loved one. how much you value one above another usually depends on how much you love them regardless of species.

BUT i would say its logical to assume that its easy to form a stronger connection between pets as you may live with them for many years.

i lost my dog of maybe 5-10 years? last year. time pasts fast. i never realized how deep my bond with her was until she passed. i took her for granted. every now and then when i get home i ll feel some melancholy as she normally would run to the gate and greet me.

what i can say is, it was a good wake up call. i treat my parents better. and i guess, it helps a little to prepare for the inevitable.