
eziam t1_jef4lx1 wrote

Truth. Our elementary school is filled (me included) of RPS/Petersburg/east end Henrico teachers that did 3-4 years and got burnt out. They (me included) come to a school/community that appreciates teachers and makes life more enjoyable. I did a decade in the east end, and knowing what I know now, it was to long. I wasn't appreciated by the parents or admins.

RPS is trying but 12k wouldn't convince me to switch. My mental and physical health is way more important.


eziam t1_je6rtyq wrote

Veteran teacher here. It's a decent school. The Parham road is the dividing line for Henrico,. The farther east you go, usually the more behavioral problems and the farther west you go, more entitlement. Johnson is right in that line. I've had friends teacher there and friends kids go there. It's in a transition into a more immigrant heavy school.


eziam t1_jcyok5f wrote

Metal detectors is a placebo that will make parents feel better and students feel like they are in prison. Are we putting metal detectors at each doorway? Will windows be sealed shut so students don't bring guns through? How about fields? What prevents a kid coming in at night, hiding a gun in the field then having a shooting spree during outdoor PE or pick it up while doing outdoor PE?


eziam t1_jckr7gl wrote

Reply to comment by schmoopie76 in Still no Fridaily? by Sandwichsplicer

I almost died spring break at Myrtle Beach back in the day. 311 show at the house of blues while living on a mixture of raw oysters, drugs, and jack Daniels...it was awesome to be young, dumb, and full of....foolishness


eziam t1_ja0vrc3 wrote

We had a behavioral specialist guy (I think it was Bliss or some acronym similar) at our school that would come in and pull a kid out. He would talk to them, calm them down, and bring back to the class. He would also help write the pbis/behavioral supports and do daily check-ins. Of course the county decided that position wasn't working and we lost him. Suspensions and behavioral issues shot up the next year.


eziam t1_j9zwlc0 wrote

Not going to work. They did this a decade ago (actually about 15 years ago) Gave teachers a 5k bonus and support teachers/administrators. Each new teacher had a mentor teacher who didn't have a class but actually helped a group of teachers. I worked for ten years in one of those schools. The extra money and "support staff" will not make a difference. Since they are title 1 schools, they are funded nicely. To fix the problem (in the elementary level) is to vap class size at 12-16 kids, and have parent buy-in and parent-teacher accountability.


eziam t1_j9zji1k wrote

Bourbon recommendations. I'm about out of my Buffalo Trace (I pick up a ton when I cross state lines to see my mom in Tennessee). I love the price and the easy sipping. Any good bourbons that are great on the rocks that are priced decent? Seems like Virginia has jumped on the "everyone make bourbon/whisky" train and Id like to know what to get or avoid.


eziam t1_j9yxvlq wrote

I take my kids to the breweries but they just sit a the table and play tablet or phone while I talk with the wife. Been doing this since 2011. While I only goto a select favorite few (Midnight, Tabol, Crazy Rooster, and Garden Grove) those places are fine. Helps that my kids know all the owners and they know me. Keeps my kids dumbassery in check.

The worst is Hardyewood West Creek. Those west end/short pump Todd's and Karen's (yes, I know my flair) get piss drunk while their kids run around the forest like little shits. There is even a fight club ring in the back (it's really gaga ball). I've seen way to many stumbling parents to realize it's a shitshow. It's fine when the weather is cold but watch out...it's getting warmer.


eziam t1_j9wdcpa wrote

Reply to comment by RCBilldoz in The Night Thread by Asterion7

Awesome. How much of a shit show would it be if we bring our dog. I saw pets are welcome but I am curious about the crowds and our horse sized dog.


eziam t1_j9gavu2 wrote

It a thin line. Hopefully they had professionals (engineers, accountants, etc...) deciding the cost to rebuild or renovate. My school is getting town down and not a rebuild because it makes more $$$sense, although it's an ugly campus style from the 1960s that won't work in today's climate.

I'm just worried that the rebuild won't fix the underlying issues of having a very old and neglected school.


eziam t1_j93h58h wrote

I have been with Mint Mobile for that past 4 years. When you switch over you have to adjust your apn settings and a few other things. I do this when I get a new unlocked phone. Haven't had any issues. You can search on their website how to do it.