
fabledlamb t1_iy5fepy wrote

> she asked about what we do on a daily basis that is uniting.

> I said “most couples at 20 years have kids they’re wrangling”

> she is basically infertile due to PCOS

> I tried to backpedal. “I don’t blame you.”

Do you really not?

Because I think you do, and I think you brought it up when challenged to hit her back where it hurts.

Because that was a pretty cruel thing to say.


fabledlamb t1_iu9hvrf wrote

> I see it under arguments i thought made sense or were valid, but then the next comment is always like “strawman”

So you’re saying that any time somebody says “strawman”, whatever they’re arguing against is always valid?

That’s completely stupid, because the guy saying “strawman” could just be a troll, or just a guy paid to respond to everything with “strawman.” Anybody who thinks a “strawman” response proves anything is illogical and should feel bad. Really, you should be ashamed of yourself.

What I did above was to deliberately misrepresent what you actually said, and then attack the misrepresentation. This both avoids having to address your actual argument, and also gives me something really easy to attack.