
fack_yuo t1_j93t4bk wrote

lol. well arguably, if the fever does not injure you then it will clear the virus faster yes. Unfortunately evolution is a case of what does not prevent reproduction as opposed to what is most optimal. Fever kills virus, but it also can injure the host. General rule - don't reduce fever unless the fever is dangerous. (if clearing the virus is the top priority- generally survival is top prioirty and its preferable to manage the fever and prolong the illness slightly. ) - disclaimer, not medical advice.


fack_yuo t1_j93qfy2 wrote

as your body fights off the virus the viral load drops, the fever reduces, the body becomes more hospitable for the virus again, the virus is reproducing in cells teh whole time, the cells burst, the viral load shoots up again, the body responds with more fever. I'm sure someone will explain it in more detail but as i understand it thats pretty much it. viral load goes up and down which causes symptoms to be cyclic.
