
fairycoreee t1_j6olu4w wrote

Reply to comment by Gumburcules in Terrible Tuesday! by AutoModerator

I didn't know who Charles Koch or these foundations were before I joined. I was a new graduate looking for work at the time and found Stand Together. At the time, was the only place that gave me an offer (soon found out that I was the lowest paid on the team too!). I suspected many employees there didn't subscribe to the ideology. Only in Americans for Prosperity did I see them really fully believe.


fairycoreee t1_j6nhnic wrote

I got fired from my job on Wednesday. They told me why, but it was vague and refused to elaborate other than say that the decision was final. Previous I received no warnings, no P.I.P. plans, documentation, nothing. Now work is going to be very understaffed. Stay away from Stand Together, Charles Koch Foundation, Americans for Prosperity. Toxic workplace!

I have funds to live on but have to be frugal and can't eat much. Sucks but already have had a interview and going to keep grinding!


fairycoreee t1_itqpfkh wrote

Woke up (with only maybe 1 hr of sleep) with a horrible headache. Also parents are coming to visit tomorrow for a few weeks so there's that too. Ugh