
fallenreaper t1_jcwue13 wrote

Township building sells and home Depot etc sell them. Recycling in Pittsburgh is a joke though. :) It's just a scam for the company to get more money, as they combine it all together off site.


fallenreaper t1_j3rrdjo wrote

You don't need to. I liked the discussion.

I enjoy the city as well, and love coffee, but since I work from home and live in the city it's interesting. Generally I sublet my place and go work out of other countries where price to live is good and you have social experiences beyond the our consideration of norm. But as you travel you see vast communities that just exist. They found a way to make it work and have what they want/need generally. It's amazing to observe and see that there are so many trappings we take for granted.

Sure are they living the US middle income lifestyle, no. But that wasn't the base question asked by OP.


fallenreaper t1_j3rqnel wrote

Existence is work. Driving to get food is work. Cooking it is work. Scrubbing your toilet and vacuuming, work. There are maintenance tasks all of us must do to not wallow in our own filth. There is a price to pay by not having to functionally work, but in your case replacing a roof... Cool, that's a once every 10-15 year task, what are you doing in that other time? Nothing. Maybe sitting by a fire, fishing, reading, walking around the property and enjoying your self-sufficiency.


fallenreaper t1_j3rpg5a wrote

If you're aiming for that lifestyle, you also aren't looking into suburban communities either. It's more rural, where you can buy land at like 1500 per acre, and as a low barrier for entry a nice 30k trailer to start as it has most simple things. A lot of property in nowhere PA is like 10-100 acre with a trailer on it.

That's something you can accomplish well before you're 30.

Also, I love the negative votes. I tried to be impartial and recognize people have different perspectives. Lol, but it's fake interwebs points so, lol who cares.

Just my 0.02. appreciate the banter friend.


fallenreaper t1_j3rbfxy wrote

I mean, easy is relative, but in this age we as humans have implied costs of sustainment, you need to meet those minimums. Food/shelter/electricity. You can shift around how those needs are met, and augment costs in various ways... But just staying home is being disabled in the eyes of the state which helps offset those above listed needs. Even developing a sugar daddy/momma relationship is a mechanism to offset the above.

Existing has an implied effort.


fallenreaper t1_j3r7mib wrote

Any physical movement is work. Sit in a chair like WallE? Not gonna happen. But if you want to be in shape, off the grid, not have to get fucked by charges from people's/Duquesne/income taxes etc, it's not a hard thing. It's just an option, but not necessarily the option.


fallenreaper t1_j3r6wgq wrote

own property. Grow own food. Farmer Market to sell excess to cover annual land taxes. Solar/Hydro electric sources. A well instead of a water connection. That there would remove all your key expenses. Other than that, its just chillin.

Edit: literally nothing I said is out of reach. It's all fairly doable, but with people wanting to have standards, live in cute areas, near city centers, white picket fences, and all that stuff, a reminder that each of those ideals is an implied cost beyond fundamental needs of shelter, food, water, electric. All of which can be planned and figured out, most of which have an upfront cost/effort and little maintenance thereafter.
