
fangedrandy OP t1_j32lg5j wrote

Reply to comment by alainreid in Helium-3 by fangedrandy

This was in reference to AI, honestly I didn't know they could do half of the things they seem to be capable of. Kinda scary tbh. Sorry I guess I'm just out of the loop/uninformed about new technology.


fangedrandy OP t1_j30g05g wrote

Reply to comment by alainreid in Helium-3 by fangedrandy

I remember that Bush had plans to do/implement this when he was POTUS and then I never heard anything about it afterwards. Is AI really getting that advanced?


fangedrandy OP t1_j3089nd wrote

Reply to Helium-3 by fangedrandy

Both of those are astute observations. My thought process I guess was that the lunar regolith contains vast amounts of fusion material to be utilized alongside deuterium from our seawater.