
fantomen777 t1_j6d0384 wrote

> I’ve also read most of the Honorverse and and Safehold, and… I agree completely. Love his work, recommend it to others, but 20ish books in and you see a distinct pattern :)

Yes, Honerverse should have ended with "At All Costs"

Realy like the Idea of Safehold, but the last book was a waste, yes it is realy intresting to have post war economic story, but you tempted with "whats under the tempel" since book one, and that was the only thing that prevented Merlin from go full terminator and win the war day one.

It was so stupid to make Clyntahn >!a true beliver, what will you do if you "know" that your religious beliefs are real, and the devil trying to destroy the world, that make him a well-intentioned extremist, and not a power hungry villan. The final confrontation feel so bad, a real devil visit me in my cell, and taunt my fate, great further evidence my fate is true, and I will soon be a blessed martyr. Insted David Weber just have Clyntahn know that Merlin say is true, and he louse his fate!<