
farox t1_jdrfllu wrote

This is pretty much it. Just yesterday I needed to write some python web ui. So I described roughly what I needed and it gave me a solution for that. It had a couple of errors but gave me a basis to then work off of. Saved me a lot of "who do I do X with flask", but little complexity. For that I am sure it would take me longer to describe it, than to implement the logic myself.


farox t1_j9rx9w8 wrote

t1: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 

t2: x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x

Each x is only one space further apart and has only "moved" a small bit compared to the distance of the first and the last. It took me a while to wrap my head around it as well, but it's space itself that is expanding, very slowly... but everywhere.


farox t1_j8e364s wrote


farox t1_j8dupwp wrote


farox t1_j4m771b wrote

I can't tell you about ML specifically, but maybe some useful pointers for freelancing in general. I've been in software for ~25 years, 15 or so freelancing.

First thing is that as a freelancer you're not part of "the team". This can be good or bad for you, I think it's fantastic. No dealing with political bs, I charge hourly, so no gorging with overtime etc.

But that's it. You're a tool to do a job and then leave (in theory).

In my experience most small companies won't have use for you. For one, you'll be more expensive than their employed staff, but they also want to keep that know how in house.

Mid to large companies is where you will get the most traction. However they see you as a tool. So they don't want to hire you specifically, but "an ML engineer with 6 YoE". So they outsource that problem to a recruiter or similar agency. This is for the case that you get hit by a bus, they make a phone call and get a fresh body.

So far I only had good experiences with these agencies, pay is good, it's professional and shit just gets done and you paid.

The other option is going through your network. As you have more work experience you should be able to build that and then lean on it if you have more capacity, read: looking for a job. Then you're more likely to find a smaller business because they are interested in getting you on board.

I tried my hands on those fancy new websites as well, with the same result. The problem here is also that you're more likely to compete with some kid in India that charges 1/10th of your rate.

Another thing to keep in mind: Do not go into this for the money. If you factor everything in: Vacation, sick days, hardware, licenses, pension/retirement (rule of thumb: 30% of your net income) etc. it doesn't come out that far apart.

TLDR: Computer Futures, Hays that sort of company or through your network


farox t1_j46pkao wrote

Company is essentially a grow house. Think growing weed in containers (but that's not it). So they want to integrate AI in this whole thing. My understanding is that we will way too few data points to train some sort of model. In my mind we could probably use some statistical analysis (if I pee on that plant, 2 weeks later it's grown 10% than the unpeed one)

Does that make sense? How best to go about this? Thanks!


farox t1_j3ryimx wrote

Radiation is a big one. Earths magnetic field shields a lot on the ISS.

It's also about finding the things we don't know yet.

As for benefits of sending people. All of this has to be planned and constructed. People do that do get paid. The Apollo program for example returned $7 for each dollar invested: https://space.nss.org/settlement/nasa/spaceresvol4/newspace3.html

> Compared with other forms of investment, the return is outstanding: A payback of $7 or 8 for every $1 invested over a period of a decade or so has been calculated for the Apollo Program, which at its peak accounted for a mere 4 percent of the Federal budget. It has been further estimated that, because of the potential for technology transfer and spinoff industries, every $1 spent on basic research in space today will generate $40 worth of economic growth on Earth.

Some new tech will have to be developed which will be useful here on earth. So forth and so on.

The "problem" is that it doesn't benefit singular investors but society at large. So private companies won't finance programs at such a scale and you need to do some thinking to see how those benefits flow back into your pocket.


farox t1_iy4tq8d wrote

Check out what they are doing in Tokyo for example. I am talking about allowing more commercial and low industrial usage mixed in with residential.

I get the point of packing people as tightly together as possible and the issue of R1 having very few people paying for lots of roads and other infrastructure, driving communities into debt. (For real, how shit is this whole concept?)

But I don't think you need to go that far. Instead of everyone needing to drive 20km that way, it would already do a world of good if people had to go 2km in random directions.

Yes, this might or might not be problematic for mass transit. But you could use that to play around with different densities. Have more money? Get more land. Have less money? Get less land. But mix it up more as a whole.

I don't think you'll be able to turn north America into Amsterdam. (And trying to will get you lots of ideological pushback)

But maybe you don't have to. (This is assuming electric, maybe even autonomous, cars, renewable energy...) But just mixing things up a bit more would be a step in the right direction. Even if the rest stays the same.


farox t1_iy4isnw wrote

> Not where the jobs are.

Exactly my point. If your zoning is 100% residential then there is no way not to commute and jobs have to be far away.

Right now it is zoned for metropolitan areas, so that they get their resources (people) somehow. Not for people. (Still mulling over how to best verbalize that thought)


farox t1_ixyoisu wrote

Girls are more often victims, iirc. Which makes sense Imo as there are more straight men when it comes to sexual violence. Not saying that under reporting for men/boys isn't a thing.