fh3131 t1_ixsin26 wrote
Reply to Grocery store in Yuma AZ is selling products that were meant for the Russian market. by iamhuskie
Interesting! Where was it made?
fh3131 t1_ix0yzue wrote
fh3131 t1_iuq02u9 wrote
Looks like a bacterial or fungal colony on a petridish
fh3131 t1_iuk9ep4 wrote
fh3131 t1_iuk8s21 wrote
Quite well. 20+ years together:)
fh3131 t1_iuk8aa1 wrote
How to be a puppy.
Seriously though, it's basic obedience and social interactions with other humans and puppies/dogs.
fh3131 t1_iuk7md6 wrote
Reply to comment by SlidingSquid208 in What do you say if someone calls you a "Sped monkey"? by SlidingSquid208
Then I don't know
fh3131 t1_iuk730e wrote
Reply to comment by generalkiddo in I'm ready for trick-or-treaters! by turdferg7491
Stealing these packets from work
fh3131 t1_iuk6yul wrote
Reply to What is your purpose in life? by Similar_Board3225
To provide fertiliser for future plants
fh3131 t1_iuk6ser wrote
Reply to In Qatar how are different races treated? by StonksStink
Horse racing is popular. Not sure about car races.
fh3131 t1_iuk6mqr wrote
Sped or speed?
fh3131 t1_iujpt1g wrote
Reply to LPT: Before answering the door, put on coat. If you like the person at the door, you can say you just got in. If you don't, you can say you were just leaving. by MrSirStevo
Who the hell shows up without calling first?
fh3131 t1_ixwlu57 wrote
Reply to Gotta stay safe by rightbrace
Teach them about life early